

LM-1 Glacial Refrigerant


Product description


Composition and traits:

LM-1 glacial refrigerant is composed of modified monohydric alcohol. The main additives include anti-corrosion agent, anti-mold agent, solubilizer, etc. Appearance is light-colored liquid. At 20 , the density of the stock solution is 0.86g / cm3, the specific heat is 0.813cal / g • , the viscosity is 0.68mPa • s (cP), and the thermal conductivity is 0.26W / m • K. The boiling point is higher than 60 ° C, the freezing point is lower than -100 ° C, and the flash point is 20 ° C.

Purpose and usage:

LM-1 glacial refrigerant has the advantages of low operating temperature, low viscosity, large specific heat, high thermal conductivity, strong cooling capacity, good anti-rust performance and so on. It can be used as an industrial coolant in the temperature range of -100 ° C to 40 ° C. When using, it should be diluted with water to an appropriate concentration according to the process requirements. If mixed with traditional refrigerants, an appropriate amount of glacial refrigerant synergist should be added.



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